Category Archives: Thinspiration

Fat is stubborn.

Ugh. I don’t know what to do. My current goal is to lose 2 pounds a week, and drop 1% body fat each week. Whyyyyyyy is that so hard? Seriously?! I eat clean, I’ve played with my macros, I eat 4-6 meals a day. I workout damn near everyday and it’s not coming off like I want it to. Le sigh. If that next 10 weeks are going to be like this, it’s gonna be a long hard journey.

12 Weeks Out: NPC Bikini Competition

I am doing a fitness competition. Me, yes me. It is in July and I am excited. I’m also scared. Have you seen those girls?! Wow. I have spent the last two days researching and I figured, why not? Here’s the plan:
6 days a week of training
1 cheat day
Cardio and strength
High Protein

Wow. This shall be interesting. Wish me luck!


Spring Break 2013

I went to Panama City Beach two weeks ago for spring break. This is the smallest I’ve been in 4-5 years and I am really happy with my progress.




Happy Hump Day!



Keep Going.
