Category Archives: gym

Goals for This Week and General Musings

Goals for the Week
1. Fasted Cardio everyday for at least 30 minutes.
2. Keep my carbs under 150 grams everyday and protein over 125.
3. Do 2 random acts of kindness for strangers
4. Lift HEAVY ( I have been a baby bitch lately)
5. Clean my house and car out ( that’s sad I have to put this on here but I get so tired after work and training that I just say fuck it).
6. Walk my dog every day and start doing training with her a little each day (same reason as above, then maybe just maybe she will stop chewing on my stuff)
7. Wake up by 6am each day and go to bed by 11.
8. Burn at least 800 calories each day
9. Put some effort into my look everyday. I always look like crap and as a pretty girl, who is in a sorority and works in customer service, this is unacceptable. Gosh.

General Musings
How can I combine all of my talents into something lucrative?
Will I be ready for this contest?
Why am I so lazy?
Where is my Prince Charming?

Bikini Competition GroupMe

For my ladies who are new to bikini competing and would like to build a network, I created a groupme im chat for us to chat in. Join me! It’s an app that’s both on droid and iPhone.


Motivation Monday: My first NPC Competition

I attended my first NPC Figure Competitions on Friday. I was getting really discouraged about competing and it being my first time and all. I really needed this.

Things I Learned:

  • A lot of people lose weight the unhealthy way, they have a dull look to them. I don’t want to be like this, I want to still have a glow.
  • TAN TAN TAN is a must, and it has to be right. I saw a lot of orange people.
  • Have a cute suit. I saw a lot of pretty ones.
  • The girls are soooooo thin. I’m pretty sure I won’t place in my first competition, but I’m doing it for the experience anyway.
  • The competitions are LONG! It was supposed to start at 7:30, it actually started closer to 8:30. I was there until 11 and I didn’t even make it through the whole pre-judging.
  • Personality and stage presence is everything. The people who stood out were attractive, had nice bodies, and flirted with the judges and audience.


8 Weeks Out: Progress

I’m posting pictures of me at 12 weeks out vs now. I am not weighing myself again until I’m at 6 weeks out. The six week 6 week make will help me determine if I actually feel ready to go on stage in July. From now on I am really cleaning up my diet, no junk, high protein, lower carbs. My goal is fat loss with muscle building. It’s time to go to work!!!!



These are my confessions part 1.

1. I’m stressed. I’m not losing weight, I’m not motivated to workout, and there are other things I’m thinking about.
2. I need to get focused.
3. I’m tired
4. I’m being whiny
5. I need a fitness friends circle. I don’t have anyone nearby that has the same goals in mind and it kinda sucks. Sure, I have some support, but most ppl just look at me like I’m crazy.
6. I’m confused about my macros
7. I don’t know if I want it bad enough.
8. Any bikini girls out there who aren’t instagram stars, that just wanna build a network? Hit me up. Lol
I’m 9 weeks out btw.